10 Facts of Bengal Cat to Know before Adopting One

10 Facts of Bengal Cat

Do you think that a bengal cat is for you? Before you decide to adopt one, you need to be ensured by checking these facts about this cat breed.

1. An Entertaining Cat

The very first characteristic that can be a great benefit from owning a Bengal cat is that it is a very entertaining cat. The cat is very active, after all. This cat breed will ask for attention again and over again. They are super curious about everything and you might find this behavior amusing.

This cat breed is an attention seeker. It means that this cat will love to have an audience. This cat knows that you are watching its action. Since this cat is super interactive, you will love spending time talking and playing with the cat that will respond to you back even with its vocalization.

2. An Even-Tempered Cat

Bengal An Even-Tempered Cat

Compared to other cat breeds, the Bengal cat is pretty even-tempered. It is a good bengal cat personality that will make you feel safe especially when there is a small kid in the family. This type of cat will take their time to think a lot before it decides that they need to use a claw or bite.

If you find a Bengal cat nibbling, it is not a sign of anger. It is the way this cat shows affection. Anger is not a type of emotion that will be displayed often by this cat breed. Yet, this cat can be moody. It can also feel lonely, bored, or depressed pretty easily.

3. A Great Family Cat

Since the Bengal cat is even-tempered, this cat can do well with kids. Although the Bengal cat is considered safe for children, you should monitor their first interactions closely. You cannot control or predict kids. You cannot also predict or control your Bengal cat. There might be some unexpected reactions that happen.

Nevertheless, you can expect the patient and even-tempered behavior of the cat. It is not surprising that your Bengal cat and your children will form a tight bond. This car breed tends to bond with animals and people around them, after all.

4. Litterbox Trouble

bengal Litterbox Trouble

Yes, with all of those great characteristics of the bengal cat breed above, you might think that this cat can be the right cat breed for your family. But you must not forget that every cat also comes with different problems. As for Bengal, using the litter box can be the biggest problem. Many Bengal cat owners have the same complaint about this.

However, you do not have to be too worried about this. Your Bengal cat knows the location of the litter box and its function. The cat does not want to use it because of some other reasons.

One of the most common reasons is that the litter box is not clean enough. It chooses to release somewhere else because it wants to mark new territory. Your cat tries to do it to have separated territory from other cats. They do not want to use the litter box because they are anxious, bored, lonely, or even depressed.

5. Friendly to Other Pets

With a Bengal cat as a member of your family, you might hesitate to bring a new animal into your home. It is normal to have this kind of thought because many pet animals including cats can give poor reactions to the new friend in their home.

However, this problem will not be found in Bengal cats. This cat tends to be pretty friendly with other pets. Of course, it is not recommended to put them together right away. Helping them to make friends will ease the transition.

6. A Big Fan of Walks

Your bengal cat will have a lot of energy. That is why I would love to go on walks the most. Yes, you have a cat that acts like a dog. To help the cat release energy, you need to train them to wear harnesses from a pretty young age. The adult cat usually cannot adjust to new things easily.

With harness training and encouragement, this breed will find it fun to go on a walk. The cat will look forward to it just like you do. If you have experience with taking a Labrador or Golden Retriever on a walk, you might find the walk with your Bengal is pretty much the same. However, you need to remember that the Bengal cat has a much smaller body than dogs which means that you need to go on a shorter walk.

7. Scratch and Mischief

bengal Scratch and Mischief

Owning a Bengal cat means that you have to be ready with a lot of scratches. This cat also often gets into mischief. Of course, it does not realize that what it does is mischief. Your Bengal cat thinks that it is an exploration of an undiscovered space on the very top of your shelf, for instance. It even thinks that it is important to investigate behind the couch to make sure that it is free from evil mice.

This desire can make you have to deal with damaged carpeting and furniture. Yet, you have to remember that it is not its fault. This problem can be prevented, for sure. You only need to provide a lot of stimulating toys along with scratching pads to relieve your cat’s extra energy.

8. An Intelligent Cat

When you consider getting a bengal cat rescue, you need to keep in mind that this breed is intelligent. Bringing it into your house means that you are ready with high curiosity. Your cat will love to know about everything around them.

It makes it easy to train. You will find a cat that can do various tricks in no time. Of course, the cat will love to show you those tricks.

9. A Highly Affectionate Cat

The Bengal cat is very affectionate. It can create a tight bond with the owners and other animals in your house. It does not mean that you will have a cuddly cat. Your Bengal cat will have its own way to show you love such as trying to get close to you at every moment. It might also follow you around.

10. Easy to Get Bored and Lonely

Because they are very affectionate, the Bengal cat can get bored and lonely very easily. This can happen when you leave the bengal cat alone for a very long time. Even if there are other cats in the house, it will not be enough for your Bengal.

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