5 Adorable and Cute Snakes that You Can Take Home as Pets

5 Adorable and Cute Snakes

Snakes are identical to venom and they are also considered dangerous. But do you know that some snakes can be kept as pets as well? This reptile is not only fun but can also be an exciting experience for people of any age. Just like any other pets and companion animals, snakes also come with different care treatments. If this is the first time for you to pet snakes, selecting the one to take home can be a tricky process. Well, this page will show you 5 cute snakes that you can pet and handle as a beginner.

1. Corn Snake

Corn Snake

The first pet snake on the list is Corn Snake. Being native to the United States, this snake is even considered the most popular one for beginners. The common colors of Corn Snakes range from red-brown to orange and they can be found in terrestrial habitats across the US. Most of the time, this pet snake has red-black blotches. However, you can still find it in a variety of colors, especially in many captive-bred ones.

Corn Snakes are usually 10-12 when they are babies and can grow up to 3 to 4 feet long. Though this type of snake can be caught in the wild by professionals, the captive-bred ones are considered much healthier by reptile experts. Not only that but they also tend to come with better temperaments if compared to the wild-caught snakes.

You can keep an adult Corn Snake in an aquarium of 20 gallons. In other words, this aquarium should be a medium-large-sized fish tank. As for the best temperature to keep the snake, you need to make sure that the aquarium is about 720F to 900F. Corn snakes that are kept in an aquarium only need extra lighting requirements. However, keep in mind that these snakes need hours of darkness since they are nocturnal.

2. California King Snake

California King Snake

Speaking about the most popular subspecies of King Snake, the California King is the most well-known among all. Just like the Corn Snakes, California King Snakes are also native to the United States. Their bodies have a brown-black color with yellow speckles, stripes, or bands. An adult California KingSnake can reach 2.5 to 5 feet long and can live up to 20 years.

Instead of being a nocturne like Corn Snakes, the California King Snakes are in their most active time during the day. However, it is still important to give them some regular hours of darkness and daylight. This type of snake can live well in a 20-gallon tank.

The California Kings is a shy creature. However, these snakes can be very docile and well-adapted if you give them frequent cuddles and handling. Unlike most snakes you can find out there, the California Kings tend to hide in defense if they are feeling threatened or angry. Due to the calm temperament and the ease to handle, this pet snake is great for beginners and they only cost $70 to $170.

3. Ball Python

Ball Python

One of the cute snakes perfect for an animal pet is Ball Python. As the name suggests, these snakes love to curl in like a ball to feel safe. Being of Central Africa origin, Ball Python can be found easily in grasslands. As nocturnal, these snakes tend to stay hidden during daylight and active at night.

The most obvious character of the Ball Pythons is that the snakes come with lighted patches. However, there are more colorful patches you can find in captive-bred Ball Pythons. Having a life span of 20 to 30 years, this kind of snake can grow up to 3.5 to 5 feet long.

Generally speaking, Ball Python snakes eat mice. However, you need to keep in mind that they are picky eaters. These snakes would prefer fresh meat and water. Despite the dietary pickiness, you will find that these snakes are very docile to handle and easy to take care of. Depending on the rarity of Ball Pythons’ morphs, they can cost $25 to $200.

4. Rosy Boa

Rosy Boa

Speaking about adorable pet snakes, you can skip Rosy Boa from the list. Even with only a short glance, you will find that this snake type is so beautiful. Being easily found in some parts of Mexico and along the west coast of the US, Rosy Boas can adjust to captivity well. Not only that but their brown-rosy-pink color will instantly capture anyone who sees them.

One of the main reasons that make Rosy Boas perfect for beginners is that they really enjoy being cuddled. These snakes are also safe and tame around children since they rarely strike or bite. Being naturally curious, Rosy Boas will make a good companion for you. Not only that but this pet snake also requires simple husbandry, making it perfect for first-time snake owners.

Taking care of Rosy Boas along with the basic requirements can cost $25 to $350 in total. However, the cost can be different from one to another, depending on where you get the snakes from, a private breed or a public retailer. As for the life span, Rosy Boas can live up to 30 years in normal circumstances.

5. Milk Snake

Milk Snake

Last but not least. One of the cute snakes you can find on the list is Milk Snake. Just like the California King, this Milk Snake is also the subspecies of the King Snake. Being a native snake of Mexico and the United States, you can easily identify this reptile through the red, black, and white rings found on its body.

Milk Snakes don’t like to soak up the sun. That is why you will find it easier to spot them in rocky areas or woods. Instead of soaking up the sun, Milk Snakes prefer to get heat by curling in under rocks or logs. In this way, giving them a spot under a tank heater will be a good idea.

Milk Snakes can live up to 20 years and they only need basic care requirements. An adult Milk Snake can be as long as 2 feet and rarely bite. They are quite docile and might cost around $50 to $200 each.

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